Monkey's Audio is a lossless audio compression algorithm. The codec uses the ".APE" file extension, so if you come across them, you'll know what to do.
I've found that xAct is the best GUI app for these files. But if you're looking for command-line tools, your best bet is at Sourceforge.
I had been using version 3.97 successfully until I received an "Error: 1002" while attempting to decompress an ape file. Googling turned up the following on the Monkey's Audio forum:
1000=I/O read error 1001=I/O write error 1002=invalid input file 1003=invalid output file 1004=input file too Large 1005=input file unsupported bit depth 1006=input file unsupported sample rate 1007=input file channel count 1008=input file too small 1009=invalid checksum 1010=decompressing frame 1011=initializing unmac 1012=invalid function parameter 1013=unsupported file type 1014=unsupported file version 2000=insufficient memory 3000=loading MAC.dll 3001=loading MACinfo.dll 3002=loading UnMAC.dll 4000=user stopped processing 4001=skipped... 5000=bad parameter 6000=APE compress too much data
After digging a little more, I concluded that the ape file was probably created by a newer version of the codec, so I downloaded version 3.99 from (The latest avaialable as of this writing).
I had difficulty compiling this version, and I suspected that it was due to the default configuration of Mac OS X 10.4 to use gcc 4.0.
To set gcc 3.3 as the default compiler on Mac OS X 10.4, run the "gcc_select" script from the Terminal. This script basically creates some symbolic links to point to the appropriate executables and directories for the version you choose. In my case, I issued:
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
It has to be run as root or with the -root command-line option since it creates files in read-only directories under /usr. For help, use:
$ gcc_select -h
This solved the comple errors I was receiving, but then the make process complained about a space in the directory I was building from a directory named "Monkey's Audio (APE)" (not the best choice for compiling source). The spaces and apostrophe where screwing up the compile, so I renamed the path to monkeys_audio_ape and started the process over.
$ ./configure
$ make clean
$ make
$ sudo make install
This time it worked. The install process created several libraries and include files along with the executable /usr/bin/mac.
And the verdict? I'm still getting "Error: 1002" messages. Rats. Running:
$ mac -v file.ape
Generates the message "Input File Not Found..."
Somewhere I found mention of permissions as a cause for the error (this was actually the first thing I checked). After double-checking, I confirmed this was not the problem. So I decided to take a look at the file itself in HexEdit. Turns out it's not a valid audio file. I might fault the application for the inaccurate error reporting, but I did discover (as shown above) the meaning of the error code, so I have only myself to blame. Trying it on a valid ape file proved successful.